Investing as co-founder, seed, pre-seed or minority investor in a diverse range of businesses, communities and platforms, we contribute to the start-up and development of unique products and services tapping into new consumer preferences and market trends. With our non-controlling investments, we wish to help these businesses grow, whether it means supporting product development, recruitment processes or market expansions. Our ventures also help us expand our knowledge of the new generation of consumers, learning new innovative ways to interact and meet their needs.
Myselfie is a fun photo booth that quickly becomes the gathering point for people to meet and perpetuate joyful and unforgettable memories. The Myselfie photo booth takes an unlimited amount of high-quality pictures in a new and fun way.
Myselfie is founded by Thomas Bennedsen and Peter Lynggaard, who searched for a way to build bridges between people and create memories that last forever - and the answer to this search became the development of myselfie.
THORNICO invested in Myselfie in 2019 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
Min Bedste Bog (My Best Book) are customised children's books, where your child, grandchild, cousin, etc., can be the character. When ordering a book, you choose the name of the main character and provide some facts about the child, which shapes the outcome of the personal book.
The goal of Min Bedste Bog is to create a little more happiness and time together for children and their families through the use of personalised, well-written and intriguing stories.
THORNICO invested in Min Bedste Bog in 2015 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
Woomio is an influencer relation management software. At Woomio, you can manage influential contacts, check out stats on engaged and follower audience. You can quantify collaboration partners and discover new talent to work with.
Furthermore, you can campaign manage your processes and optimise your output on relevant performance metrics, your time spent on every campaign and finally report on the campaigns. No more spending time on influencers that does not match your brand and target audience.
For more information visit:
REC Watches is a Danish company whose concept is to recycle parts from iconic vehicles that are beyond repair and transform them into brand new timepieces. Due to the variations of patina in the recycled dials, all of our watches are visibly unique, and each has its own story.
The result is distinctive designs with handmade premium components yet a modern twist encompassing the very soul of the recycled vehicles and a truly unique storytelling! A concept named RECOVER, RECYCLE, RECLAIM – or just REC for short.
THORNICO invested in Rec Watches in 2015 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
Burd Delivery is one of Denmark's best-rated parcel delivery solution and covers +50% of the Danish population with its same-day delivery service. The goal is to fill up all the empty trunks, half-full lorries and unused luggage by using all the available capacity ’flying’ around in the world. With Burd Delivery, you get a low-cost, personal and sustainable shipment solution that can help both society and the environment.
THORNICO invested in Burd Delivery in 2015 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
Libertine-Libertine is a Danish fashion brand of high-quality products in an intuitive and spirited business frame. All garments are made in Europe in close collaboration with expert manufactures and fabric bases sourced from some of the finest mills available.
Libertine-Libertine was founded in 2009 in Copenhagen by Rasmus Bak, Pernille Schwarz, and Peter Ovesen and now the founder team has our CEO and owner, Christian Stadil and Niels Mikkelsen on board as investors.
For more information visit:
ISTID is an ice cream shop and a catering service in Copenhagen, Denmark, which produces homemade, organic ice cream, vegan ice cream and refreshing sorbets based on seasonal fruits and berries. All ISTID’s products are accompanied by a matching, homemade topping.
When ISTID make the ice cream, they use liquid nitrogen (minus 196 degrees), a cooling compound that freezes the ice cream in an instant creating a superior texture and preserving the full taste of the ingredients. This freezing process is done in front of the customer, enhancing the experience of eating world-class ice cream in a fun, different and inclusive way.
THORNICO invested in ISTID in 2016 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
EARLABS designs and develops smart earplugs that do more than protecting your ears. While they are keeping you safe when you do what you love, they also preserve the sounds that are unmissable parts of your experiences.
SurfEars® lets sound in and keeps water out, preventing common health problems caused by cold or contaminated water and is the leading brand of earplugs for surfers.
dBud® is the first-ever earplug with adjustable volume. dBud’s minimal impact on the sound quality makes them great for concerts and festivals while protecting against tinnitus and hearing loss.
THORNICO invested in EarLabs in 2016 through the popular TV show Løvens Hule also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit:
AllUnite is a global advertising technology platform that was founded in 2013 by serial Danish entrepreneurs. The AllUnite tracking technology allows advertisers to follow consumers 1:1 from exposure to marketing campaigns to local stores, call centres or e-commerce sites. By providing a large variety of services from out-store/in-store ads and business intelligence, AllUnite makes the offline store digital.
At the 2014 Danish E-commerce Awards held by FDIH, the union of Danish internet commerce, AllUnite was awarded the prestigious title of Best New E-commerce Company in 2014.
For more information visit:
Freemi is a Freeconomy platform where everything is 100% free. Today Freemi runs on of the largest freecycling platform in Northern Europe - meaning that all users share a common ground in reusing valuable resources.
Freemi is on a mission to put an end to the throwaway culture and create awareness of ways to easily make a difference for the environment and each other by recirculating great and functional items while also avoiding further burdening the climate.
THORNICO invested in Freemi app (formerly known as ta' det app) in 2016 through the popular TV show “Løvens Hule” also known as Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
For more information visit: