In the THORNICO Group, we are highly involved in Heart for Africa's Project Canaan as it is one of our major Company Karma projects which is cross-linked with our sister companies. SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP, Lactosan and OVODAN have committed themselves to supporting the Heart for Africa Foundation and their Canaan Egg Farm in eSwatini with eggs. In 2016, we donated a complete boiling machine to the egg farm and in 2018, we followed up by yet another donation, namely an egg cooling machine. The machines are custom-made by engineers from SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP in order to accommodate local conditions and the entire operation is supported by solar energy.
We are proud to be part of this very hands-on and immensely meaningful project. For us, corporate social responsibility is at its best when a handover of knowledge is involved, just as we experience here where we are able to hand over our know-how of egg-processing to the egg farm in Canaan.
Project Canaan is Heart for Africa's 2,500-acre large-scale village development project being used to bring HOPE to the tiny Kingdom of eSwatini (formerly Swaziland) by focusing on four key areas: Hunger, Orphans, Poverty and Education. The organisation is a non-profit public charity. Working alongside rural churches in eSwatini, they provide care and hope for the future for children in this small African nation by ensuring training and employment while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation.
As of January 2021, they have more than 275 orphaned children who call Project Canaan home and they employ 280+ people from the surrounding community. The project gives the children a change to live, grow up and be educated to help break the cycle of ignorance and poverty in their generation.
In May 2022, the OVODAN EGG GROUP and SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP, a part of our food and egg business, committed themselves to support the Heart for Africa Foundation and its egg farm at Project Canaan with a 10,000 USD donation from each group company in 2022, 2023 and again in 2024; a total of 60,000 USD donation over the three years. Since it is a very new donation, we are still in the early process of finding the best possible way to spend the funds at Project Canaan
and its egg farm. OVODAN EGG GROUP and SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP are committed to supporting the Heart for Africa Foundation and its Canaan Egg Farm in Eswatini with eggs and egg handling equipment and knowledge.
In 2029/2020, THORNICO donated the funds for building a soccer field at Project Canaan including hummel® soccer-kits for the children to wear on the field. We started clearing the land for the project during our latest THORNICO visit in March 2019. The field has been named The THORNICO Field and the locals involved in the project have made a very beautiful sign by hand to decorate the field area. Since it is a Company Karma Project across the THORNICO Group, we have, as an internal symbol, arranged for all our 100% owned companies to have their own soccer team at Project
Canaan. It is one of the biggest soccer fields in Eswatini and we hope that it will bring a strong team spirit, joy and confidence among the children. Sport is for everyone, enhancing mental health by delivering social, psychological and physiological benefits.
A very special thank you to Janine and Ian Maxwell and their fantastic staff. Without these balls of fire who have dedicated their entire life to helping the children of eSwatini and changing not only the children's lives but changing the country for a better eSwatini with their holistic approach. We can only hope for a better tomorrow, but I know as long as we have kind, selfless and loving people, our children will be okay. Without Janine and Ian none of this would be possible and on behalf of the THORNICO conglomerate, we thank you for that.