In THORNICO, we aim to create a feeling and sense of meaning, value and identity in each of the THORNICO group companies as for the individual employee. To support a corporate culture across the THORNICO world, we have developed and are constantly thinking of new platforms and activities that celebrate the dedication of our employees as well as keep engaging them through different initiatives.

One of these initiatives being our THORNICO Library.

We have given each of our Danish headquarters a library of books; handpicked, read and specially selected by our CEO and owner, Christian Stadil. It is our wish that the library will be a “space” which will inspire and motivate our hardworking and dedicated colleagues - the backbone of our conglomerate.

THORNICO Library books

Feel free to check out the full list of book from our libraries.



Alan Watts

The Way of Zen = - [Zendao]

Aldous Huxley & J G Ballard

The Doors of Perception - And Heaven and Hell (The Doors of Perception WITH Heaven and Hell)

Alex Honnold

Alone on the Wall - Alex Honnold and the Ultimate Limits of Adventure

Alice Schroeder

The Snowball - Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

Ashlee Vance

Elon Musk - Tesla, SpaceX og jagten på en fantastisk fremtid

Barack Obama

Et forjættet land

Bill Morgan

I Celebrate Myself - The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg

Brad Stone

The Everything Store - Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do

Bruce Lee

Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bound for Schoo (Bound for Schoo)

Charles Baudelaire, James McGowan & Jonathan Culler

The Flowers of Evil

Christian Stadil

Personligt karma

Christian Stadil

I bad med picasso

Christopher Hitchens

God Is Not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything

Christopher Hitchens


Chuck Palahniuk

Fight Club - A Novel

Clayton Christensen

How Will You Measure Your Life?

Dalai Lama XIV

The Leader's Way - Business, Buddhism and Happiness in an Interconnected World

Dan Harris

10% Happier - How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

Dan Harris

Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics - A 10% Happier How-To Book

Dan Turèll

Karma Cowboy

Daniel Kahneman

At tænke - hurtigt og langsomt

David Goldmann

Følelsernes inteligens - Emotional Intelligence

David Lynch

At fange de store fisk

David Lynch & Kristine Mckenna


David Peterson

WSL Ving Tsun Kuen Hok

David Wallace-Wells

Den ubeboelige klode - en historie om vores fremtid

Ed Catmull & Amy Wallace

Creativity, Inc. - Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

Edgar H Schein

Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help - How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help

Gillian Flynn

Sharp Objects

Gillian Flynn

Kvinden der forsvandt

Gitte Dybkjær, Tonny Maak Larsen & Rasmus Hougaard

The Mind of the Leader - sådan leder du dig selv, dine medarbejdere og din organisation til at skabe ekstraordinære resultater

Gregory David Roberts


Haruki Murakami

Hvad jeg taler om når jeg taler om at løbe

Haruki Murakami

Kafka på stranden

Hermann Hesse

Siddhartha - en indisk legende

Imran Rashid


Imran Rashid

SLUK - kunsten at overleve i en digital verden

Imran Rashid

Sunde vaner - skabt med vilje - 4 bevidste trin til et sundere liv

Imran Rashid & Kristina Pries

Tænd fantasien

Imran Rashid & Søren Kenner

Offline - lær at stoppe det - lær at gennemskue det - digital manipulation på smartphones og sociale medier

Jack Kerouac

Dharma bums - roman

Jack Kerouac

On the Road

Jean-Christophe Grangé

Rejsende uden bagage

Jim Collins

Good to great - hvorfor nogle virksomheder tager springet fra god til fantastisk - og andre ikke

Jim Collins  & Jerry I Porras

Built To Last - Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

Jo Nesbø


Jo Nesbø


Jocko Willink

Leadership Strategy and Tactics - Field Manual

Joe Hyams

Zen in the Martial Arts

John David Mann & Bob Burg

The go-giver - en inspirerende fortælling om at få, når man giver

John Fowles

The Magus

Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild

Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air - A Personal Account of the Everest Disaster

Jonathan Safran Foer

Om at spise dyr

Joshua Foer

Moonwalk med Einstein - kunsten at huske alt

Karin Slaughter

De smukkeste

Karin Slaughter

Den gode datter

Keigo Higashino

Den ophøjede morder

Lars Movin

Beat - på sporet af den amerikanske beatgeneration

Lars Movin

Allen Ginsberg i Danmark

Lawrence A Cunningham

The Essays of Warren Buffett -  Lessons for Investors and Managers

Leonard Cohen

Book of Longing

Linda Lee Cadwell & John R Little

The Warrior Within - The Philosophies of Bruce Lee

Malcolm Gladwell

Blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Malcolm Gladwell

David and Goliath - Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants

Malcolm Gladwell


Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point - How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (OBS 1 bog er I stykker)

Marie Kronquist

Se tigeren i øjnene

Mark Epstein

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart - A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness

Mark Epstein

Thoughts Without a Thinker - Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective (Revised)

Mark Manson

Kunsten at være fucking ligeglad

Martin Sorrell  & Arthur Rimbaud

Collected Poems

Matthew McConaughey

Greenlights (PB) - C-format - Raucous stories and outlaw wisdom from the Academy Award-winning actor

Michael Pollan

Din foranderlige bevidsthed - hvad den nye videnskab om psykedeliske stoffer lærer os om bevidsthed, det at dø, afhængighed, depression og transcendens

Michel Houellebecq

Kortet og landskabet

Michel Houellebecq


Michelle Obama

Min Historie

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Creativity - The Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Flow - The Psychology of Happiness (OBS. Titel: Flow - the classisc work on how to achieve happiness) ok

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Black Swan- The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Neil Young

Waging Heavy Peace - A Hippie Dream

Nicholas D Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn

Half the Sky - Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

Patricia Highsmith

Tom Ripleys talent

Patti Smith

Abens år

Peter Thiel

Zero to One - Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future

Phil Knight

Shoe Dog - A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE

Pierre Lemaitre


Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Vilain, Marielle Sutherland & Susan Ranson

Selected Poems-  with parallel German text

Ralph McCarthy & Ryu Murakami

In The Miso Soup

Ralph Steadman  & Hunter S Thompson

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

Rebecca Solnit

A Field Guide To Getting Lost

Rebecca Solnit

Wanderlust - A History of Walking

Robert Wright

Derfor er buddhismen sand - videnskaben og filosofien bag meditation og oplysning

Roberto Bolano

De vilde detektiver

Roberto Bolaño


Roy Jenkins


Sam Harris

Fri Vilje

Sam Harris

Making Sense -  Conversations on Consciousness, Morality and the Future of Humanity

Sam Harris

Waking Up - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion

Sam Sheridan

A fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World og Fighting

Sam Sheridan

The Fighter's Mind - inside the mental game

Scott Carney

What Doesn't Kill Us - the bestselling guide to transforming your body by unlocking your lost evolutionary strength

Simon Sinek

Start med hvorfor - til alle, som vil inspirere andre og blive inspireret

Sonia Purnell

Clementine - The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill

Stephen King

Om at skrive - en forfatters erindringsbog om håndværket

Sylvie Simmons

I'm Your Man - The Life of Leonard Cohen

The Paris Review

Paris Review Interviews, IV

Timothy Ferriss

Tools of Titans - The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Tom Kristensen


Tomas Espedal

Gå. eller kunsten at leve et vildt og poetisk liv

Tommy Caldwell

The Push - A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits to Climb the Dawn Wall

Tony Hsieh

Delivering Happiness - A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose

Umberto Eco

Rosens navn

Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs - en biografi om manden bag Apple

William Finnegan

Barbarian Days. A surfing life

William S Burroughs

Junky - The Definitive Text of 'Junk'

Wim Hof

The Way of The Iceman - How The Wim Hof Method Creates Radiant, Longterm HealthaUsing The Science and Secrets of Breath Control, Cold-Training and Commitment

Wim Hof

Wim Hof-metoden - Aktiver dit potentiale og sæt dig ud over dine begrænsninger

Winston Churchill

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

Winston Churchill

Mine unge år

Winston Churchill

The River War - An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan

Yoko Ono

Grapefruit a book if instruction and Drawing by Yoko Ono

Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens - en kort historie om menneskeheden

Yvon Chouinard

Let My People Go Surfing - The Education of a Reluctant Businessman - Including 10 More Years of Business as Usual

Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanley

The Responsible Company - What We've Learned from Patagonia's First 40 Years



I think the THORNICO Library is a great idea! I have always been very fond of books, and I still am.
I love reading – both fiction and non-fiction because it really trickers your imagination, fantasy and inspiration. The brain is a muscle, and the more you use it, the stronger it will get. I have also heard that “leaders are readers” – I don’t know if it’s true, but I am quite sure that reading doesn’t hurt.

The great thing about the THORNICO Library is that I have easy access to a variety of books, where some are not what I normally read. But that’s exactly a great way to expand your horizon within reading habits. I have read “Michelle Obama – My history” – a book I have thought of buying many times. Now suddenly I could borrow it. A fantastic and inspiring book, by the way. And now I am reading “Sapiens – a brief history of mankind” – a book I would probably never have read had it not been for the THORNICO Library.

I am reading just about the same amount as always – maybe a bit more – but I am to a higher extent reading other types of books, which is great. So THORNICO Library is for sure a plus for me as an employee, and I hope many more books will come.

 Annie Frydensberg Pedersen


I think the THORNICO Library is a great initiative! I have always loved reading. When I was a child I would spend my summers devouring book after book (and my mum was always obliged to take me to the library to get new ones!). Now, instead, I have a library in my workplace, isn’t it amazing? Above all, there are both English and Danish books, so I can practice my Danish skills by reading some interesting new books.

To me, the THORNICO library is a strong message, it shows the importance of books, in an era of Netflix and chill.

Even though I have some moments in which I am way too busy to read, I have now the routine to read a couple of chapters per day, and it is something that I definitely want to keep. It makes you sleep better and you avoid additional screen time right before sleeping.

Francesca Baggio
Marketing Coordinator, SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP

THORNICO Library at Niels Brock 

We have opened a new THORNICO Library at Niels Brocks International Gymnasium.

As our CEO and Owner, Christian Stadil, stated in his speech at the opening, we hope that the students will enjoy the library amidst their active study and everyday lives:

"Marcus Tullius Cicero once said that a room without books is like a body without a soul—a quote that, in my opinion, holds a great deal of truth. Books can inspire, facilitate self-forgetfulness, and evoke powerful emotional responses, unlike any other medium. Books demand more from us than the digital platforms that often serve entertainment on a silver platter. They require presence and immersion, challenging us to use our imagination and create images in our cerebral space rather than everything being pre-fabricated. I cannot imagine a better tool for the education and formation of young people than a physical book."

Each book is handpicked, read and specially selected by Christian exactly like in the libraries within our THORNICO conglomerate.

In addition to the library, we have established a book club at Niels Brocks International Gymnasium, where the students read and discuss physical books with Christian Stadil.

We hope the library will inspire and motivate the students at Niels Brock, and we look forward to continuing this great collaboration.