Customised packaging
Take a minute to read about this special egg carton. The carton is produced by Brødrene Hartmann A/S, customised to meet the needs of its customer, Vital Farms – a U.S. ethical food company that already has been using Hartmann’s Hybrid egg packaging for some time.

Take a minute to read about this special egg carton. The carton is produced by Brødrene Hartmann A/S, customised to meet the needs of its customer, Vital Farms – a U.S. ethical food company that already has been using Hartmann’s Hybrid egg packaging for some time.
Even though the Hybrid egg carton is already very environmentally friendly (100% recyclable), Hartmann has managed to reduce the environmental footprint even further with a lid made of 100% recycled fibers as well as a Greenchoice 100™ certificate – meaning that it is C02 neutral, as the carbon emitted during production is offset by new tree plantings.
Read more about this customised packaging and Hartmann’s effort to meet its customers’ need here: