Thor Stadil receives DCCC Lifetime Achievement Award
We are very proud to announce that, during his recent stay in China, Thor Stadil has been awarded the DCCC Lifetime Achievement Award.
Our CEO and owner, Christian Stadil, has been appointed Honorary Consul of Bhutan. Below you can read his statement.
(Danish version below)
Land of the Thunder Dragon.
I am pleased and honoured to be appointed as the Honorary Consul of Bhutan.
A Buddhist kingdom in the middle of the Himalayas and a stunning country; instead of measuring by GDP, they measure by GNH (Gross National Happiness); a philosophy according to which the government governs, but also an index used to measure the population's collective happiness and well-being.
Furthermore, Bhutan is one of the countries in the world with the most incredible biodiversity and as a part of the government's and the country's philosophy, it is decided that a minimum of 60% of the country must be covered by forest.
Bhutan is also the only country in the world which is CO2 neutral.
Bhutan was closed off from the outside world until the mid-seventies and is still very authentic and one of the few that does a lot to preserve culture and nature, which is why they also have a low impact – high value policy in relation to tourism. The traditional clothing is still worn, and the traditional building and architectural style must be followed.
And then there are no traffic lights, almost no crime, some of the world's best, least visited and most challenging, trekking and hiking routes.
What's not to like;-)
I am very much looking forward to holding this post, which is also intended to be more active, including in relation to culture and business exchange between Bhutan and Denmark/The Nordic countries.
Bhutan is interested in attracting businesses; it just has to be companies that fit the country's values and philosophy.
I look forward!
Also, I hope that some of you out there have been inspired to read more or to visit this unique country that stands out positively in a globalized world where most big cities look alike.
Maybe I see you at the consulate?
Land of the Thunder Dragon.
Jeg har fået den store fornøjelse og ære af at blive æreskonsul for Bhutan.
Et buddhistisk kongerige midt i Himalaya og et fuldstændig fantastisk land; i stedet for at måle på BNP, så måler de på GNH (Gross National Happiness); en filosofi som regeringen styrer efter, men også et index der bruges til at måle befolkningens kollektive lykke og well being.
Ydermere så er Bhutan et af de lande i verden med størst biodiversitet og som en del af regeringens og landets filosofi, så er det bestemt at min. 60 % af landet skal være dækket af skov.
Landet er også det eneste CO2-neutrale i verden.
Bhutan var lukket af for omverdenen indtil midt halvfjerdserne og er stadig meget ægte og et af de få, der gør meget for at bevare kultur og natur, hvorfor man også ift. turisme har en low impact high - value politik. De traditionelle klædedragter bæres stadig og den traditionelle bygge- og arkitektoniske stil skal følges.
Og så er der ingen trafiklys, næsten ingen kriminalitet, nogle af verdens bedste, mindst besøgte og mest udfordrende, trekking- og vandre ruter.
Whats not to like;-)
Jeg glæder mig meget til at bestride denne post, som også er tiltænkt at være mere aktiv herunder ift. kultur og erhvervsudveksling mellem Bhutan og Danmark/Norden.
Man er faktisk interesserede i at tiltrække erhverv; det skal bare være virksomheder der passer til landets værdier og filosofi.
Jeg glæder mig!
Håber også, at nogle af jer derude har fået lyst til at læse mere eller til at besøge dette unikke land, der stikker positivt ud i en globaliseret verden, hvor de fleste storbyer ligner hinanden.
Måske ses vi på konsulatet?
We are very proud to announce that, during his recent stay in China, Thor Stadil has been awarded the DCCC Lifetime Achievement Award.
We are honoured to share an inspiring update from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the impact of the 2024 LE NON MOI Prize. Read the update and report here.
Today, November 7, we celebrate a remarkable milestone—our Chairman of the Board, Thor Stadil, is turning 80!