Hummel and the Greenland Football Federation (KAK) proudly present a new national team jersey that celebrates the spirit, culture, and strength of the Greenlandic people.
I sin Mesterlære giver Christian Stadil dig unik indsigt i, hvordan han har skabt THORNICO med fokus på økonomisk og menneskelig vækst.
(English below)
Han fortæller dig blandt andet, hvorfor fokus på kreativitet er vigtigt, hvis du vil skabe resultater, hvordan han skaber differentiering og fokuserer sin ledelse, og hvordan meningsskabelse og menneskelig udvikling er essentiel når man driver virksomhed.
Mesterlære er en læringsplatform, der digitalt lader dig gå i mesterlære. Du får adgang til et evigt voksende bibliotek af tidens største læremestre indenfor ledelse, iværksætteri og kreativitet.
Med en serie af videokapitler, tilknyttede arbejdsbøger, podcasts og anbefalet litteratur, kan du med andre ord komme tæt på de største danske mestre og lære af deres erfaringer.
Christian Stadils Mesterlære er opdelt i syv forskellige kapitler:
Få et sneak peek nedenfor.
Og tjek Christian Stadils mesterlære ud her
Our CEO and Owner, Christian Stadil, gives you, in his apprenticeship (Mesterlære), a unique insight into how he has created THORNICO with a focus on economic and human growth. He speaks, among other things, about why focusing on creativity is important if you want to create results, how he creates differentiation and focuses his leadership, and how sense-making and human development are essential when running a business.
Mesterlære is a learning platform that digitally lets you go into an apprenticeship. You will have access to an ever-growing library of some of the most skilled teachers of all time in management, entrepreneurship and creativity.
In other words, with a series of video chapters, related workbooks, podcasts and recommended literature, you can get close to the skilled Danish teachers and learn from their experiences.
Christian Stadil's apprenticeship is divided into seven different chapters:
Get a sneak peek below.
And check out Christian Stadil's apprenticeship here
Hummel and the Greenland Football Federation (KAK) proudly present a new national team jersey that celebrates the spirit, culture, and strength of the Greenlandic people.
We are very proud to announce that, during his recent stay in China, Thor Stadil has been awarded the DCCC Lifetime Achievement Award.
We are honoured to share an inspiring update from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the impact of the 2024 LE NON MOI Prize. Read the update and report here.