New tenants at the THORNICO Building in Rotterdam

These days Zorg van de Zaak, the leading Dutch Group of companies in health and safety service, re-integration, addiction treatment etc., is moving into the THORNICO building in Rotterdam, Holland.

New tenants at the THORNICO Building in Rotterdam

Under the name ‘Ready for Change’ Zorg van de Zaak is ready to help clients with addictions and their families through their crisis.

Ronald Bouwens, CEO of STANICO, states:

“It is good to see that there has been a lot of enthusiasm for THORNICO Building in recent years from the healthcare sector. We notice that this specific industry focuses on security, quality, flexibility and service in housing. In a sense, this also shows that the THORNICO Building can facilitate this specific industry very well. We are pleased to bid ‘Ready for Change’ welcome in our building”.

Learn more about the THORNICO Building here


01 December 2020

We proudly represent our video – meet the THORNICO BUILDING. We welcome you to look inside our offices and our green roof.