THORCO PROJECTS in positive outcome to 2020

THORCO PROJECTS in positive outcome to 2020

Adapting to a new normal, THORCO PROJECTS has directed energy both towards teamwork and the market in general, which has ensured a positive outcome to 2020 and a continuously build to 2021.

2020 will forever be marked in our minds, the world changed in many ways, and a new normal has taken place.

COVID-19 began with a lot of uncertainty and fear across the globe. Chinese factories closing and exports grinding to a halt was the early tremors that would affect world trade. The price of oil plummeted, and countries took preventive measures; such as closing their borders and introducing quarantine periods at their ports. Crew changes became difficult, which left seafarers stuck onboard vessels for extended periods.

THORCO PROJECTS, like many other businesses, quickly adapted. All energy directed towards factors that we could control whilst taking preventative measures to ensure THORCO PROJECTS could comply with any new regulations imposed by the governments or organisations without affecting the financial bottom line.

By working closely with our clients and listening to their requirements, THORCO PROJECTS found transport solutions in the wake of the pandemic to ensure that the vessels stayed employed whilst delivering positive results and customer satisfaction.

Teamwork became paramount

Teamwork amongst THORCO PROJECTS offices became paramount. Communication via zoom, skype and mobile phones ensured that even while working from home, information and decisions remained a smooth process both internally and externally.

This same concept, we used to stay in contact with our clients and service providers worldwide. THORCO PROJECTS placed more emphasis on social media, ensuring more interaction with followers and the shipping market in general by creating content, publishing news and posting pictures of vessel operations.

For the coming months, THORCO PROJECTS foresees a steady market. Commodities continue to move regularly again, and an increase of renewable energy cargoes help make up for a quiet oil and gas sector. Project cargoes mainly from Europe and Asia to the Persian Gulf, Africa and Australia continue to keep us busy where demand for infrastructure and mining projects is high.

Intense work ethic, faith in better days and a 'never give up' attitude amongst employees will ensure that THORCO PROJECTS has a positive 2020 and continues to build into 2021.


Thomas Mikkelsen, CEO, THORCO PROJECTS


06 June 2024

Our CEO and Owner Christian Stadil shares a few words on our consolidated THORNICO results as well as a few top headlines from the Group.