Worldwide agreement with Global AGV
SANOVO TECHNOLOGY ROBOTICS has entered a new global collaboration with Global AGV for the sales and service of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) to the egg processing, hatchery and poultry industries.
SANOVO TECHNOLOGY ROBOTICS has entered a new global collaboration with Global AGV for the sales and service of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) to the egg processing, hatchery and poultry industries.
New facilities in Lactosan, along with cooperation with Danish universities, will optimise both the value chain, production and build knowledge to future product-lines - all are starting points for developing the business years to come.
2020 has indeed been anything but ordinary in the exciting world of egg packaging. Hartmann started the year well and enjoyed a solid volume growth in the first quarter – enabled by investments in capacity at several plants.
Adapting to a new normal, THORCO PROJECTS has directed energy both towards teamwork and the market in general, which has ensured a positive outcome to 2020 and a continuously build to 2021.
STANICO reflections going into 2021 with new tenants in the Dutch THORNICO Building; one of them being, the leading Dutch Group of companies in the field of health and safety service, Zorg van de Zaak.
As the year is coming to an end, it is time to reflect. 2020 was, in many ways, an extraordinary year and for sure one to remember for better and for worse.
Positive result, new investments and innovation top of mind. SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP is very satisfied with the positive result during the pandemic.
In the shadow of the global COVID-19 pandemic this year has, although the financial key figures have been satisfying, been challenging for the OVODAN EGG GROUP.
We are proud to share this new karma campaign produced by hummel, supporting the non-profit organisation HAND (Handball For A New Destiny).